In the world internet recognize some term about web, www, website, web pages, and homepage. To civil people, the term might possibly be interpreted are same. There are some our society mention the address of complete with augmentation, for example homepage: or website: or address sites: and others.
That is true, just valid mention some the sentence because that is true its center; core is same that is mentioning address site able to be visited. To know the meaning which in fact, here there are a few/little review of some term in internet which is often met.
www (Word Wide Web) : is representing corps of web server from functioning whole world provide the data and information to be used together.
Web : is facility hypertext capable to present the data in the form of text, draw the, voice, animation, and other multimedia, where among the data each other related/relevant and correlate one with other. To facilitate in reading the data needed by a web browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and also Mozilla Firefox
Website : is representing repository of data and information of pursuant to certain topic. Supposed of this web site like containing book of certain topic.
Web Pages : is representing a special page;yard from certain situs web. Supposed by of this main page web like to main page of book.
Homepage : is representing containing page; yard wrapper of table of contents or menu from a website.
To design the web not such a heavy work and not such a light work. What its intention? Design the web is not heavy work of its meaning is whoever can master and make it so long as owning willingness to learn. But design the web (web design) is not light work of its meaning is everybody do not have the wide of ability about some aspect which must be known by appearance of to web draw so that many incoming visitor.
For example, when we make a homepage (main page of the web) very old process to access. Why that thing can be happened? That all resulted [by] a rule inexistence of[is level of the main page file. So that to be our page; main page easy to accessed by all visitor it is of course have to have the knowledge in to design the web.
A. Tips to Make Professional Web
- Homepage (main page) your site must be can accessed maximal 8 second or can be accessed to [pass/through] the minimum connection network internet 28,8 kbps. If process connect require the very long time, this matter is potency will the loss of customer (visitor) which do not forbear staying await too long time. Finally our situs will not be visited to by process al candidate customer.
- Sure include META Tag on your every web page. META Tag is code that possible search enginet (as Google) to determine the relevant key word from your website.
- Choose background colour that appropriate, do not use colours influencing text to be read. Site colour to be the expression of your heart. Orange colour is symbolise happiest but purple colour or black is symbolise bleak and dark. Because that, choose colour is appropriate to your site according to content on that site.
- Use animation according needed, do not too more because can influence concentration of user when to reading information. Other that, animation also can pursuing access to your homepage. A good animation not can be guarantee your site attention for user or visitor.
- Main page of site must more specific so that every visitor can to know product on the market. For example, if your site are consultation institute as good as consuting services on the market displayed on main page your site. Do not let visitor to feel confuse with your site are not clear about product on the market.
- Avoid advertisement installation (banner) on top your website. Limit amount banner will displayed, maximal 2 and good idea is 1 banner. More and more banner limit, more long time processing to access and will very disturb user concentration when user visit your site.
- Check the wrong spelling and sure image and link have good linked before displayed on internet. Wrong on spelling or write url address resulting that page will “ERROR”. If the site are one or some error page to be that site as not professional.
- Complete your site with easy navigation button and arranged natty on top, bottom, left or right. If used image button, need remember that processing to access more long time. Why? because image have enough big size, and as we know that the site maximal have size not more 100kb.
- If must using Frame, used precisely. On base, using Frame on the site will look not professional. Avoid the page need “scroll”, this infleuencing visitor less balmy to searching information so that will go out quickly from your site.
- Calculate click limit is needed to move from one page to other page. If too more click will very boring for visitor. You can applying navigation system is more balmy with including logo on every pages.
- If using “JAVA” on your website, use precisely. Offering “Java” or ” No Java” to visitor because can influencing performance each browser. Avoid the pop up banner that will make visitor to be boring.
- Do not add “autoplay” sound when user visit your site. Is good if offering, will use intro include audio or to the point to main page.
- Check your site with more type browser because each browser have difference performance.
B. Web Design Principle
When your starting thinking to design the website, you need to think how choose color is correct so that will to give separate assessment for visitor about website are you made and how design layout can help “design cooperation” on a team.
The good design almost not look, but if design is bad so that will giving affect amazing. If your website design is good and information layout also help every visitor easy using that website, visitor surelly will back searching your site. But if you not think how design and choose good color so will giving influencing for that user/visitor. If this is matter happened, do not hoping user/visitor will be back visit your site.
C. Graphic Design Software
On designing web, we can not separated from software to image processing as part from website. There are some tool graphic design can used to help on make beautiful website is:
- Adobe Photoshop ( : this software very popular and can be used to make and editing graphic or fotography.
- Adobe Illustrator ( : this software used to make vector picture and can be used to make illustration.
- PaintShop Pro ( : this software same as Adobe Photoshop, less sophisticated but still loss popular than Adobe Photoshop.
- Macromedia Firework ( : this software very same as Adobe Photoshop but this tool being based on vector. This software permitting all element can be edited again and can integrated with Macromedia Dreamweaver.
- Macromedia Flash ( : this software can used to make animation and vector base to website.
D. Graphic Format
Graphic/image in the website can giving fantastic visual effect to that website, but can adding time connection affect of more images are displayed. Graphic on the web can in the form of static, animation and photography.
To be connection to website more quickly, need to known more file format are often used on the website, is:
GIF : have 8-bit colors, support transparent image, compressing color area with solid, to reduce color limit and cooperative to process download as correct, also can be used to make animated graphic.
JPG : have 24-bit colors, taking care of quality brightness and hue is found on photo, can saved on high or low resolution, a file JPG can also be used low resolution version from image is look when image downloading, not support transparent image.
PNG : support 8-bit colors, compressing solid color area, taking care of sharpening, support transparent image, compression more sophiscated than GIF because can compressing amout 10-30% less small than GIF.